It’s great that you can fly again and visit friends and family, go on a business trip or take a relaxing holiday. Before you come to the airport, we would like to inform you about what to expect – whether your journey starts or ends with us, or whether the airport is a stopover. That way, you will be well prepared for your journey.
We at Kenya Airports Authority have taken precautions for you and your fellow travelers in order avert the spread of COVID-19; in this regard, we have mapped out the passenger journey at all our major airports and illustrated it on this Invalid download ID. that you can download and go through before your next travel.
Follow this link for the latest information on air travel guidelines from the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
Please also find the 10 most important measures to note listed below:
The COVID-19 Port Health Services is Now Paperless!
Please note you will be required to fill the Travelers Health Surveillance Form ONLINE via Downloading “Jitenge MoH Kenya” App and Signing up as Air Traveler or via
Maintain 1.5-metres of distance from one another
Wear your face mask at all times
Have a COVID19 free certificate as per Ministry of Health guidelines
Wash your hands and Sanitize regularly
Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow
Use paper tissues and throw them away after you blow your nose
How do I maintain 1.5-metre social distancing at the Airport?
The most important thing at airports is to maintain your distance from others. Some of the measures in place include markings, floor stickers and posters to indicate 1.5-metres of space. We also have staff throughout the airport that will be able to help you with this. Please do your best to maintain your distance and wash your hands regularly when you are at the airport.
Will I be quarantined on arrival in Kenya?
All arriving passengers on international flights with a COVID-19 Negative certificate whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5° C (99999.5°F), do NOT have a persistent cough, difficulty in breathing or other flu-like symptoms, have negative tests carried out within 96 hours before travel and are from countries considered low to medium risk COVID – 19 transmission areas (Invalid download ID. list of countries here), shall be exempted from quarantine. For passengers traveling out of the country, they will be required to abide by the particular travel, health and COVID-19 related requirements of the destination country.
What kind of measures can I expect when traveling through the airport?
Passengers who are about to travel through the airport can visit this website for general information about what to expect and what measures the airport and its partners have taken in the recent period to allow passengers to travel safely and responsibly. The basis for these measures are the protocols airlines and airports have drawn up. These protocols are in line with the advice given by the local and international health and aviation authorities and have been drawn in close consultation with the government.
Can I come with friends and family to the airport?
Please come to the airport alone – if it’s at all possible – in order to have a safe and responsible start to your trip. For pick-ups and drop-offs, the following rules apply: Please wait for travelers in the car park or say goodbye when you drop them off. Even though it’s not that nice, this way will enable us to ensure that everyone who is present at the airport must actually be there. We do understand that there really is no other option if you are joining a travel group or assisting someone in need of help. Please ensure that you maintain 1.5-metres of distance from other travelers.
Do I have to wear a face mask at the Airport?
All travelers are being asked to wear a face mask throughout your passenger journey at all our airports.
What happens if I need to be searched at security?
You may be searched if something is found during the compulsory security scans, which are performed when you enter the security area. If something is found, a security officer will come close to you – wearing a face mask and gloves – because they are unable to maintain a 1.5-metre distance for the purposes of their job. Please ensure you also use your own face mask at this point. Hand sanitizers are available so that you can disinfect your hands after the checks.
Can I carry hand sanitizer with me in my hand baggage?
Yes, as long as the sanitizer is stored in a 100 ml container. The sanitizer is subject to the liquid rules.
What happens if my flight is operating at night during curfew hours?
Passengers will be allowed to use their boarding pass/tickets at road blocks to enable them to get to and from the airport.
Where can I wash my hands at the airport?
You can use any of the amenities at the airport to wash your hands. In addition, we have placed additional hand sanitizers in Departures and Arrivals which are available for free. Please regularly disinfect your hands at these points and try to touch as few things as possible.
When should I arrive at the airport?
We recommend that you arrive at the airport at least 3 hours prior for international travel and 2 hours prior for domestic travel. Even though there are fewer flights than usual due to the 1.5-metre distancing measures, please ensure you are on time.
Who should I tell if I see someone with health complaints?
Please stay at home if you have health problems yourself, such as a fever, or mild complaints such as the common cold, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat or a mild cough. We consider the health of you and your fellow travelers to be most important. If you feel fine, but suspect that a fellow traveller has complaints, please keep your distance and warn an airport or airline employee and they will assist you further.
Please Note that the information on this page is correct to the best of Kenya Airport’s knowledge at the time of publication and is being reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the international response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we encourage you to check the current situation and entry requirements for the country you intend to visit.
Feel free to contact our Port Heath team at the airport with any further questions by calling +254705164724.